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August 2011 Archives

August 9, 2011

Steakhouse Science

Nathan Myhrvold trained as a quantum cosmologist and was chief technology officer of Microsoft before founding a company that acquires patents. As he publishes a six-volume work on the science of cooking, Myhrvold explains why chemistry techniques could soon be seen in every restaurant... [pdf]

Isabella Rossellini on Animal Behavior

Picture%2028.png Isabella Rossellini, star of films including Blue Velvet and Big Night, has made a series of short films on the mating rituals of insects and sea creatures. As her latest humorous biopic debuts in the United States, Rossellini explains why she is fascinated by animals [pdf]

The machinist


Dutch artist Christiaan Zwanikken makes computer-controlled mechanical sculptures, many of which use animal skeletons he has found. He discusses the relationships between humans, animals and machines. [pdf]

Monkey Don't

In 1973, Herbert Terrace, a psychologist at Columbia University in New York, embarked on an experiment to teach sign language to an infant chimpanzee named Nim Chimpsky. On the release of the documentary Project Nim, Terrace talks about research ethics, chimp cognition and the origins of language. [pdf]

The Space Man

NASA astronomer Richard Berendzen advised the science-fiction film Another Earth, winner of the Sloan Prize for science at Sundance this year. On the film's release, he talks about parallel worlds and the future of human space exploration. [pdf]

August 10, 2011

Werner Herzog on Cave Paintings

Picture%2029.png As he releases a 3D documentary about the prehistoric paintings in Chauvet Cave in southern France, Werner Herzog — the German director of Fitzcarraldo and Grizzly Man — talks about cave art and the hostility of nature. [pdf]

About August 2011

This page contains all entries posted to Jascha Hoffman in August 2011. They are listed from oldest to newest.

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